
Commercial Project Renderings

See a cou­ple views tak­en from our con­cept draw­ings for a new com­mer­cial build­ing in Cremorne.

Cre­morne will fea­ture a cas­cad­ing gar­den fab­ri­cat­ed from dou­ble storey car­bon neu­tral con­crete cylin­ders. The façade will be bold and heavy, designed to stand the test of time against the west­er­ly ele­ments, whilst the struc­tur­al fab­ric of the build­ing behind the façade will be cross-lam­i­nat­ed timber.

The build­ing is being designed to cre­ate a dom­i­nant green visu­al as you look down Cre­morne Street. The urban streetscape is cur­rent­ly devoid of trees, being squeezed of space. This build­ing will trans­pose the typ­i­cal hor­i­zon­tal street tree plant­i­ng into one that con­nects foot­path to the skyline.

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