
Metung Hot Springs Breaks Ground

Con­struc­tion is well under­way at Metung Hot Springs with a cou­ple of the pri­vate hill­top bathing pools over­look­ing the lakes recent­ly com­plet­ed. Work has com­menced on the major­i­ty of works for stage one of the project. This includes a series of pools referred to as the bathing gul­ly. These inter­sect with the dra­mat­ic con­tours of the land­scaped amphithe­atre all over­look­ing a per­for­mance space. Stage one will also include saunas and a glamp­ing lux­u­ry accommodation.

This excit­ing new way to expe­ri­ence East Gipp­s­land will be open lat­er this year or get a sneak peek at one of the pri­vate events host­ed at the venue as part of the East Gipp­s­land Win­ter Fes­ti­val.

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