
The New York Times features the Elwood House

Every so often we have to pinch our­selves when we see just where our projects pop up. This was cer­tain­ly the case when THE New York Times includ­ed our Elwood House in their inter­na­tion­al homes arti­cle on Exten­sions that can reshape a home’s feel’. We are feel­ing very grate­ful to be included!

A care­ful­ly craft­ed ren­o­va­tion of a much-trea­sured Cal­i­forn­ian Bun­ga­low, the Elwood House focus­es on enhanc­ing the orig­i­nal char­ac­ter of the struc­ture and enrich­ing the expe­ri­ences in the house. One of the espe­cial­ly inter­est­ing aspects of the design is that the house can­not be sep­a­rat­ed from the land­scape that grounds it. From the entry, the gar­den pro­vides a desir­able sense of pri­va­cy and helps refresh the tra­di­tion­al architecture.

It was real­ly about redefin­ing space and then recon­nect­ing it to its gar­den to work bet­ter.” – Chris Stan­ley quot­ed from The New York Times

Read the full article

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