This highly sustainable budget fit out was completed for our fantastic publicly listed Australian manufacturing clients whilst they were in occupation and operation.
Utilising their corporate values of Pride, Integrity and Courage, this large workplace fit out was designed to reuse and up-cycle a significant amount of the existing fit out, whilst doubling the workspaces and creating a fluid team environment. Workstations were designed in a compact yet efficient manner, allowing the creation of a gradation of shared teamwork spaces to accommodate everything from small touch and go meetings to large workshops or café style work meetings. Spaces were designed for interaction, enjoyment and to support innovation within the business.
Integration of technology was key to the functionality of this workplace, with meeting space bookings, internet, phone and AV presentation capability all embedded within personal mobile devices. Given the high office density, acoustic design was a critical consideration, resulting in a linear open plan broken into pockets of space by planters and cushioned booths.
With a company focus on recycling and plantation grown timbers, and a core business involving wood pulp products, complementary materials were utilised throughout the fit out. A combination of 100% recycled post-consumer plastics, and plantation Oriented strand board became the building blocks for the fit out resulting in a unique, comfortable and sustainable workplace design solution.
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