
New Cross Bar

Locat­ed with­in Howler Bar and Per­form­ing Arts The­atre, the New Cross Bar is a seclud­ed VIP lounge adja­cent to the music venue. Cre­at­ing its own iden­ti­ty with­in the broad­er venue, the New Cross Bar is dri­ven by the con­cept of an abstract urban forest. 

The the­atre and inter­nal bar are char­ac­terised as a fan­ta­sy for­est with an imag­i­na­tive land­scape carved from an accu­mu­la­tion of steel tubes and lines of tim­ber slabs. The entire space is illu­mi­nat­ed with whim­si­cal coloured lights mak­ing it a dream­like place espe­cial­ly at night and for host­ing events. Lay­ers of detail reveal them­selves through­out to enhance this feel­ing of being in a fan­ta­sy forest.

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