

Pavers Plus Showroom

A step into a world of extract­ed ter­ra-fir­ma, the design for the Pavers Plus Show­room uses an ancient aque­duct con­cept to promi­nent­ly show­case the stone prod­ucts and bridge two exist­ing ware­house spaces of dif­fer­ing form and fin­ish. The design utilis­es these diverg­ing qual­i­ties to cre­ate vari­a­tion in pro­gram to appeal to exist­ing trade clients as well as expand oppor­tu­ni­ties to reach high-end design­er and gen­er­al pub­lic markets.

The sub­stan­tial cen­tral wall dis­sects the space con­nect­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing ware­house to the show­room while divid­ing the spaces into a sec­tion ded­i­cat­ed to dis­play and con­sul­ta­tion and anoth­er to point of sales and offices. The wall extends from inside to out­side high­light­ing the unique indoor/​outdoor qual­i­ties of stone.

Under­neath and per­pen­dic­u­lar to this, a long stone sales counter cre­ates a sense of col­lab­o­ra­tion and con­ti­nu­ity between the spaces. 

Promi­nent use of stone is inte­grat­ed into the show­room design to pro­vide end­less inspi­ra­tion for appli­ca­tions and detail­ing to engage vis­i­tors with the prod­ucts. Sub­tle tran­si­tions between tex­ture and fin­ish are explored on every sur­face, cre­at­ing a vibrant, unas­sum­ing and infor­ma­tive space.

Essen­tial to the brief and busi­ness, the vast range of prod­ucts are pre­sent­ed in a coher­ent and log­i­cal way, avoid­ing use of flim­sy and messy off-the-shelf mer­chan­dis­ing sys­tems. At the back, the refined show­room tran­si­tions direct­ly into the man­u­fac­tur­ing ware­house con­nect­ing customer’s with prod­uct in real time.

The mono­lith­ic aque­duct con­cept gives way to an invit­ing and dynam­ic show­room to attract new busi­ness and pleas­ant staff spaces to fos­ter work­place community.

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