
Cornerstone House on the Cover of Dwell Magazine

This just land­ed from the States! We are thrilled to see the Cor­ner­stone House on the cov­er of Dwell Mag­a­zine!

A big thank you to edi­tors at Dwell Mag­a­zine for select­ing our project, to our won­der­ful clients for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the sto­ry, and to Sharyn Cairns for per­fect­ly cap­tur­ing the cov­er shot! 

Locat­ed in the north-side sub­urb of North­cote, the Cor­ner­stone House emerges as an ode to the rugged beau­ty inspired by the project site itself, ref­er­enc­ing the quar­ries that once typ­i­fied the area. The cov­er shot shows the indoor/​outdoor con­nec­tion open­ing to the gar­den and pool pavil­ion, bring­ing in the beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al surroundings.

See the full fea­ture arti­cle with a fan­tas­tic sto­ry writ­ten by Ben Morgan.

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