
2020 AIA Award Winning – Three Stories North

We are excit­ed to share that our Three Sto­ries North house won an award in Res­i­den­tial Archi­tec­ture — Hous­es (Alter­ations and Addi­tions)’ as well as receiv­ing a com­men­da­tion in Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­ture’ at the 2020 AIA Vic­to­ria Awards vir­tu­al ceremony.

We would like to say a big thank you to the awards pro­gram and the judges. We’d like to con­grat­u­late all of our fel­low archi­tects win­ning awards in both cat­e­gories as well!

We were extreme­ly lucky to have great clients for the project and we would like to extend thank you to our team and the builder Birdsmouth Construction.

In its most recent incar­na­tion, Three Sto­ries North is an untra­di­tion­al fam­i­ly home that embraces its lay­ered his­to­ry. Work­ing with cre­ative clients, the design approach is informed by their ini­tial belief that beneath its pre­vi­ous ren­o­va­tions the building’s indus­tri­al her­itage is quite unique. The project’s pri­ma­ry objec­tive is to realise its exist­ing poten­tial rather than replace it with some­thing entire­ly new.

See the full project profile.

See our full list of Awards.

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